TECL is a Sales & Growth business. We help you generate more sales, more net profits and help you build resilience into your business.
We work closely with you, get inside your business, understand how it works, understand how you work. On a fundamental operational, financial and behavioural level. We do it to help you make more money, to encourage you to operate more efficiently, in a more focused and targeted way. Even to enjoy your business more.
We need to monitor the figures closely as part of our drive to drive you forward. We will help you create Management Accounts if you don’t already have them. We will help you interpret the data of your Management Accounts if you already do. We will help you set them up even more efficiently, so they show you more relevant information to what really powers your business. Or what could power it even more.
Really good Management Accounts also inform Statutory Accounts. Statutory Accounts in our view tend to tell you yesterday’s news, they can be as much as 18 months old. Often in our experience some Company Accounts may not really answer the detailed questions (even fears) that business owners have about their own businesses. We help you create a really meaningful live picture of where your business is, perhaps also where it has been, certainly where it really makes its money, where the net profits are really driven from, where the business could go tomorrow.
We have Forensic accountants on board because we need to monitor the sales growth that we create together. We need to do it so that we can demonstrate the progress we make together, to show you the success that you have achieved. We will also share how and why we did what we did. We also monitor the data closely because we get paid on results.
Along the way we also have a habit of creating excellent shareholder value. Shareholders like that.
We will do all of this with a positive, coaching mindset. We will be transparent, we will share all of our knowledge, expertise and connections with you. We will make you stronger.
If we cannot help you, we will not charge you.
Turner European Consulting Ltd
Lovewell Blake Bankside 300
Peachman Way
Broadland Business Park
Norwich, Norfolk
Company Registration Number - 5489817